The High Rock Series is designed to help you understand more about who we are, how you can mature as a follower of Jesus, and how you can be involved in what God is doing here.

Learn about the basic Christian teachings we believe and live by at High Rock. This session is about our understanding of the Bible, the nature of God, the work of Jesus, as well as the purpose of the church. We discuss how we aim to be faithful to the Bible and relevant to the culture.

Experience the freedom that comes from getting rid of the heavy burdens from your past. We will discuss what the Bible says about overcoming sin and destructive habits in your life and what it means to be healed of past wounds.

Gain an understanding of spiritual gifts, how they fit into the mission of the church and how they practically translate into service here at High Rock Church. There will also be an opportunity to locate specific areas of service we offer that interest you.

This session is about being connected to the local church and to each other. It's about what it means to commit your life to Jesus' mission alongside other people to avoid being an isolated Christian. It's about the importance of membership in a church and learning that the church isn't something we go to on Sundays; it's who we are.